Warm Laser Therapy in Vienna VA

Soft tissue injuries can occur at any time. A soft tissue injury is defined as damage to tendons, ligaments, or muscles which are located anywhere in the body. Soft tissue injuries include contusions, sprains, and the overuse of a particular body part. The symptoms of soft tissue injuries include swelling, pain, bruising, limited range of motion of the loss of function in a particular area of the body. Here at Pure Chiropractic in Vienna VA, our chiropractor is sounding the alarm about soft tissue injuries and the need to have them evaluated and treated as soon as they occur. One of the treatment modalities we use here in our clinic is warm laser therapy.
What Is Warm Laser Therapy in Vienna VA?
Our chiropractor uses a laser to deliver a variety of treatments which can range in frequencies from low all the way up to maximum frequency. Warm Laser therapy is safe to use and is an effective treatment for soft tissue injuries. One of the things that makes warm laser treatments so effective is it allow the practitioner to concentrate on larger regions of the body all the way down to areas that require more precise treatments.
Why is Warm Laser Therapy So Beneficial In The Treatment Of Soft Tissue Injuries?
The main reason warm laser therapy is so effective is that it reduces pain by reducing inflammation. It is very important to relieve the body of inflammation as it can cause a host of other medical conditions. Inflammation is the body’s natural defense against harm. Inflammation is essential in relation to the body being able to fight infections and also in the healing of wounds. When inflammation is extensive and persists it can cause certain cancers and autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis.
Is Warm Laser Therapy Painful?
There is no pain associated with warm laser therapy. Most patients report they feel little to no sensation during their sessions. Attachments like massage treatment heads can be applied during treatments to perform a laser massage. Most patients report they notice a drastic reduction in pain following laser therapy. Treatments generally take about 5-10 minutes, so warm laser therapy is a good option for people who are on the go with tight schedules.
Contact Our Pure Chiropractic Today!
If you have chronic inflammation as a result of an old or new soft tissue injury our team here at Pure Chiropractic in Vienna VA wants to help you relieve your pain. We are dedicated to using warm laser therapy in combination with other treatment modalities to develop a treatment plan to address your specific issue. Give us a call at (703) 319-1212 today to see how we can help you.
8:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
2:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
8:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Pure Chiropractic
2565 Chain Bridge Rd
Vienna, VA 22181