Gratitude Journal in Vienna VA

One of the simplest and fun activities I do is write in a gratitude journal daily in Vienna. There is a lot of power is being thankful for what you have received, are receiving and will receive. All you need to do is buy a journal or notebook and write down 5 things daily you are grateful for.
I like to write my "gratitudes" in the morning. You can write them any time of the day. The reason I prefer to write in the morning is I am fresh and can point my mind in the right direction to MAKE it a great day! You see, challenges will always be around. Maybe you just overcame an obstacle. Maybe you are in the middle of a challenge. Or maybe you are in cruise control and everything is clicking. Either way, the next huddle is right around the corner. By writing in a gratitude journal, you are remembering all you have to be thankful for. You are building your internal reservoir of hope, strength and resolve. So when the next hurricane comes, you can be the palm tree and not the oak. Bend and not break.
Even when life seems to conspire against us, we can always find something to be grateful for...especially our health. I am so grateful for my health. I am so grateful for my healthy wife and children. I am so grateful I can take the stairs and do not have to take the elevator. I am so grateful I can pick up my children and hug them. I am so grateful I can dance with my wife and have fun. These are a couple things I am grateful for and go into my gratitude journal daily.
The easiest time to write in your journal is when things are going good and it is so easy to smile. The key is consistency. So when the challenges of life hit, continue to write what you are grateful. Do it daily whether you feel like it or not. Make a new habit and routine out of it. Put it in your calendar. It will only take 5 minutes to do this exercise. Some days you may get in the flow and write 10, 20 or 30 things you are grateful for. Great! Go for it.
Time for action in Vienna:
- Decide to make a conscious effort to increase your gratitude in life.
- Go by a journal or notebook. Label it your gratitude journal. (Can be as inexpensive as $1.)
- Open up your journal and write 5 things TODAY you are grateful for.
- Make it a habit. Put it in the calendar so you know daily at XX:XX time I write in my gratitude journal.
- Have fun.
Remember, when you are having a rainy day in the life (and we all do have those days) you can open up your journal and look at all you have to be grateful for. It is a powerful exercise. Do not take my word for it. Try it. Watch how you, your health, your relationships, your finances, your career, and enjoyment in life have explosive growth by doing this one simple exercise.
Please share your thoughts or what you learned doing this exercise.
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3:00pm - 6:00pm
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8:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Pure Chiropractic
2565 Chain Bridge Rd
Vienna, VA 22181